Sadly now split up, The Ghost Riders in the Sky built on centuries of real music for real people to deliver a welcomingly familiar, yet edgy, exciting and brand new sound. With an indie-pop jangle that owed a far larger debt to old Americana country music as it did to guitarist Stephen Carter’s old hardcore band Gallows, Ghost Riders’ eclectic, warm, analogue-feel music offered surprising, masterful song structures, insightful lyric work, beautiful vocal melodies and harmonies – but never felt too smug with itself, and didn’t suffer from a hipsterish, elitist feel. Ghost Riders made their music for the people, and it showed.

Author: Ben from
https://www.vein-tap.comHead honcho here at, on a mission to create stylish and useful pedals at prices corporate bigwigs just can't fathom. Likes creating music and gear, enjoying a good night out with the lads, and reliable pillar drills.